Cachar Polcie on December 28, seized Rs 15 crore worth Yaba Tablet from Ghugoor Bypass, Silchar. Two arrested in connection of it.
Based on secret inputs, Cachar police launched an special operation in the area of Ghoongur, bypass, Silchar and intercepted a vehicle coming from neighbouring state. Upon searching the vehicle police recovered 50,000 Yaba Tablets concealed in 5 packets from the hidden chamber.
Two individual arrested in connection of it.
Taking the Social media handle CM Himanta Biswa Sarma stated, โNarcotics worth โน15cr seized Based on credible inputs, @cacharpolice conducted a special operation at Ghoongur Bypass and intercepted a vehicle coming from a neighbouring State. Upon search, 50,000 YABA tablets concealed in 5 packets were recovered. Two have been apprehended and the vehicle has been seized. Good job @assampoliceโ