A Government employee of Dibrughar, Assam arrested after on charge of embezzling lakh of rupees though fraud land sales.
The Government employee who arrested, identified as Lat Mondol Muktiyar Hussain officer of West Revenue Circle, Dibrugarh, Assam. According to reports, he falls on a trapped of Barbooah police in Dibrugarh for selling government land using Fake land documents to people.
An Investigation was launched against which revealed the involvement in selling government land by using false documents. Muktiyar was arrested from Hojai after the investigation revealed about fraud.

The police arrested the land broker Jayakumar Hazarika which was involved with the employee and is currently in jail.
The Authorities also discovered that approximately 1,300 bighas of government land in Bogibeel were sold illegally to the wealthy individuals.
They sold this land to the people by using fake land document. The police said that many of the individuals has fallen victim to this major fraud land case.