Welfare of Handicapped :
Under this programme, the following schemes have been implemented
(a) Economic Rehabilitation :ย
Under this scheme, handicapped persons are given assistance in kind as well as in cash for self-employment.
(b) Prosthetic Aids :ย
Handicapped persons are given aids and appliances in the form of artificial limbs, Hearing Aids Wheel Chairs etc. according to the individualneeds.
(c) Stipend to Handicapped students :
ย Handicapped students who are enrolled in educational Institution are awarded stipend as per rate below :-
1) Class I to IV @ Rs 30 p.m per student
2). Class V to VII @ Rs 40 p.m per student
3) Class VIII to Class XII @ Rs 85 p.m per student
(d) Disability Pension :
ย Disabled persons like bed ridden, totally blind, loss of both legs and hands are given monthly pension @ Rs 250 p.m per disabled person.
(e) Handicapped Training Centre :
Separate training centres for male and female handicapped have been set up at Aizawl and Lunglei. Under this scheme, physically handicapped persons are given Vocational Training in the field of Tailoring, knitting and Shoe making for their future earning of their livelihood. There are two centres for both Male and Female at Aizawl. Hostel facility is made available for those in need. These Centres has a capacity of 30 inmates for girls and 20 inmates for male. Duration of the training period is 1 year and on completion of the training each trainee is given Certificate and Sewing Machine/Cobbler tools free of cost.
(f) Unemployment allowance :
Disabled persons who are registered in Employment Exchange for more than two years and who could not be placed in any gainful occupation are given Unemployment allowance @ Rs 250 per head.