To maintain discipline and ensure uninterrupted learning environment Shivsagar district school Inspector has released a notice for schools. The noticed subjected by Restriction on Mobile phone during class hours.
The notice was sent to every school principal or headmasters to banned the usage of mobile phoned of teachers during class hours.
In the notice School Inspector of Shivsagar district has issued guidelines which need to follow by teachers.
According to notice that few teachers are carrying mobile phones during class hours for personal reason. In order to maintain discipline and ensure uninterrupted learning environment School Inspector of Shivsagar issued several guidelines which must to follow.
1. Mobile phones should not be carried to class excep: for attendance recording or essential academic purposes.
2. If a mobile phone is required for any academic matter during classroom transaction, prior approval must be obtained from the Head of the Institution.
All staff members are instructed to comply with this directive. Non-compliance may lead to appropriate action.